
Odoc-parser is a parser for odoc markup, which is an extension of the original markup language parsed by ocamldoc .

OCaml code can contain specially formatted comments that are used to document the interfaces of modules. These comments are delimited by (** and *). This parser is intended to be used to parse the contents of these comments.

The parser is part of the odoc project.

Please see Contributing for details of the development process.

here are the API docs for version 0.9.0.

Example usage

     # #require "odoc-parser";;
     # let location = {Lexing.pos_fname = ""; pos_lnum = 1; pos_bol
     = 0; pos_cnum = 0};;
     val location : Lexing.position =
       {Lexing.pos_fname = ""; pos_lnum = 1; pos_bol = 0; pos_cnum
     = 0}
     # let p = Odoc_parser.parse_comment ~location ~text:"{b
     val p : Odoc_parser.t = <abstr>
     # let w = Odoc_parser.warnings p;;
     val w : Odoc_parser.Warning.t list =
       [{Odoc_parser.Warning.location =
          {Odoc_parser.Loc.file = "";
           start = {Odoc_parser.Loc.line = 1; column = 20};
           end_ = {Odoc_parser.Loc.line = 1; column = 20}};
         message = "End of text is not allowed in '[...]'
     # Odoc_parser.ast p;;
     - : Odoc_parser.Ast.t =
     [{Odoc_parser__.Loc.location =
        {Odoc_parser__.Loc.file = "";
         start = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 0};
         end_ = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 20}};
       value =
          [{Odoc_parser__.Loc.location =
             {Odoc_parser__.Loc.file = "";
              start = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 0};
              end_ = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 9}};
            value =
                [{Odoc_parser__.Loc.location =
                   {Odoc_parser__.Loc.file = "";
                    start = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 3};
                    end_ = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 8}};
                  value = `Word "Bold!"}])};
           {Odoc_parser__.Loc.location =
             {Odoc_parser__.Loc.file = "";
              start = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 9};
              end_ = {Odoc_parser__.Loc.line = 1; column = 20}};
            value = `Code_span "unfinished"} ] } ]